


AI Act: An agreement has been found!

To overcome the resulting impasse, the Parliament and the Council settled on a tiered approach introducing a stricter regime for "high-impact" foundation models and general purpose AI systems, that eventually paved the way for a final compromise. The press release of the European Council can be found here and the press release of the European Parliament can be found here.

The AI Act is set to become a model for global AI governance in a similar way that the GDPR has become a model for data protection regulations around the world. However, the complexities of the AI Act and the legal novelties that it introduces are likely to create substantial organisational challenges for providers and users of AI systems.

EU reaches agreement on key provisions of forthcoming AI Act - Hogan Lovells Engage


CEPIC on the adoption of the EU AI Act Trilogue Agreement

Press Release | 12th December 2023

On Friday 9th December the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the AI Act.

• CEPIC welcomes the EU AI Act Trilogue Agreement as ground-breaking legislation with the potential to set a comprehensive ethical framework for the use of AI in the EU and serve as an example worldwide. In particular, CEPIC commends the introduction of transparency obligations for foundation models and the clear reference to EU copyright standards.

CEPIC is aware that fine-tuning of the final text is still necessary and looks forward to working with EU legislators to improve the text as the process goes forward.

CEPIC represents hundreds of visual media licensing companies and hundreds of thousands of individual visual authors. CEPIC’s members have been digitizing visual content from the advent of the Internet and licensing assets for all kinds of commercial uses, to newspapers, magazines, advertising, broadcasters, etc.

Visual media of CEPIC members is also used as raw material to train algorithms that will create new visual media. While several AI companies have used the grey areas of the law to scrape images with no remuneration or attribution to the original creators and producers of the raw material, several CEPIC members have engaged in ethical generative AI already, showing clearly that the requirements of the AI Act can be met by SMEs: Responsible AI is possible.

• CEPIC also acknowledges that the AI Act agreement endorses the opt-out provisions of the EU Copyright Directive for text and data mining as being applied to generative AI.

It should therefore be repeated that as the recent case of Photographer Kneschke v. LAION in Germany shows, AI companies are currently in a position to abuse the vagueness of the law and use their financial clout to refuse the basic rights of authors over their works. In fact, the opt-out provisions of the EU Copyright Directive as applied to generative AI do not yet fulfil their goal of balancing the interests of all parties within the AI eco-system.

• Finally, CEPIC notes the importance attached to codes of good practice by the AI Act and the role of the AI Office. CEPIC is pleased to have published such a code as early as January 2023 (here) and looks forward to working with the EU legislator.

The UPP on the AI Act

The Union des Photographes Professionnels, which is a member of CEPIC, has published a statement on the AI Act available here. They welcome the fact that the EU Parliament has been successful in "in protecting intellectual property rights, and recognises their inalienable value", that the draft text "enshrines the obligation of transparency"

"It will now be necessary to establish codes of good conduct and guides to ethical behaviour, such as the one drawn up by CEPIC, of which the UPP is a member. Respect for rights is not incompatible with technological innovation, and the future must be built in harmony with all the stakeholders in this ecosystem and with a vision of equitable sharing of value."

IA Act : l'UPP salue l'accord de trilogue obtenu ce week end autour des intelligences artificielles




Erwin Fey

CEPIC was informed of the passing away on 19th November of Erwin Fey.

Some may remember him as the CEO of Zefa.

Zefa was a pan-european stock agency in the 1990s which was sold to Corbis in 2004. Zefa was also the first European associate member of CEPIC.




Accommodation for CEPIC Congress 2024

We are thrilled to announce that hotel bookings for the CEPIC Congress 2024 are now open, and this year's event promises to be even more spectacular as it coincides with the first week of the renowned Cannes Film Festival!

We urge you to book your accommodation early to ensure you make the most of this exceptional experience.

Thanks to a special arrangement with the Tourism Office of Juan les Pins, we can provide you with a dedicated booking link that guarantees the best availability and rates. By securing your stay in advance, we can ensure a seamless experience during Congress.

Accommodation CEPIC 202 




European Parliament’s report on the implementation of the Geo-blocking regulation: The creative and cultural industries applaud today’s plenary vote 

The European Parliament voted for culture today and preserved Europe’s cultural diversity along with consumer welfare.

Creativity Works!, Europe’s leading coalition of the creative and cultural industries, welcomes the vote on the ‘Implementation of the 2018 Geoblocking Regulation in the Digital Single Market’ INI report.

Laura Houlgatte, Chair of Creativity Works!, concluded: “We are pleased with the outcome of today’s vote on geo-blocking. The European Parliament joins the European Council of Ministers in supporting territorial exclusivity and contractual freedom, which are the backbones of the creative and cultural industries in Europe. Creativity Works! is most grateful to all MEPs who stood up for culture today and recognised the importance of our sectors” – CW! Chair, Laura Houlgatte.

Our sectors stand united in supporting justified and legitimate geo-blocking to secure the viability of the creative and cultural industries while ensuring more, localised, and diverse creative content is financed, published, distributed and showcased to the benefit of European consumers.

Today’s vote is a clear and strong signal to the European Commission that there is no political support to reopen the geo-blocking regulation and expand its scope in the medium to long-term.

Original statement can be found on creativityworks.eu

CEPIC is a member of the Creativity Works! since 2015.
Creativity Works! represents producers of creative content.




Is AI Output copyrightable?

USA: The U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) reaffirms for the fourth time refusal for AI-generated art registration. What does this mean for artists working with generative AI tools?

Read the full article:
Copyright Office Affirms its Fourth Refusal to Register Generative AI Work (ipwatchdog.com)

China: Recently a Court in Beijing has ruled that an AI-generated image in an intellectual property dispute was an artwork protected by copyright laws. The implications of the case are huge. This is in stark contrast with the decisions of the US Copyright Office, which has repeatedly ruled to the contrary.

China’s short-sighted AI regulation | The Strategist (aspistrategist.org.au)

Deep Fakes Strikes Again

CD&V film with Jean-Luc Dehaene: a stunt that sharpens the discussion about deepfake in Flanders.

CD&V film with Jean-Luc Dehaene: a stunt that sharpens the discussion about deepfake in Flanders | VRT NWS: news (www-vrt-be.translate.goog)

USA: Historic Victory for Creatives

LOS ANGELES (December 14, 2023) – One LLP, a California intellectual property and entertainment law firm, obtained a groundbreaking $6.3 million jury verdict on behalf of architectural photographer Scott Hargis against Pacifica Senior Living Management LLC, who willfully infringed upon 42 of Hargis’ images.

 News from ImageRights


CEPIC Agenda 2024


January 2024

•  17th January: Opening of Registration to CEPIC Congress 2024 on the CEPIC website
About CEPIC Congress | CEPIC


CEPIC and Industry News here.
