CEPIC, International Association of the Media Licensing Industry

CEPIC, International Association of the Media Licensing Industry
Since 18 May 2022 CEPIC is now officially registered as A.I.S.B.L (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) in Brussels,
Nbr 0786.351.284
Headquarters are located at Quai aux Pierres de Taille 29, 1000 Brussels
Belgian VAT Identification Number: BE0786.351.284
French VAT Identification Number (for Congress in Antibes in 2023) : Application In Progress
Concept, design,
programming, implementation
BRØRD - Ihr Partner für Wachstum und digitales Marketing
General Terms of Use
governing the Website
The mere act of using and/or consulting this website shall automatically and unconditionally be taken to imply that you fully accept, in their entirety, all the terms and conditions set out herein. CEPIC reserves the right to amend, at any time, the terms and conditions of use set out herein, without prior notice and without any form of compensation. We therefore advise that you consult them regularly.
- Whilst the greatest possible care has been taken in creating and updating this site, CEPIC cannot furnish any guarantee whatsoever as to the accuracy of information to be found there and shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever with regard to site content and use of the site.
- Information and data shown at the site are provided purely for information purposes and for guidance. CEPIC shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever in the event of error, inaccuracy or omission affecting the information.
Generally-speaking, CEPIC may not be held liable in the event of technical problems of any nature such as may affect the broadcasting of its site. - CEPIC reserves the option of altering, of suspending, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the site, without prior notice and without any form of compensation.
- CEPIC will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be held liable to you or to any third-party in respect of any alteration to the site or to interruption, suspension or closure thereof.
- Where CEPIC establishes links to other sites, CEPIC may not be held liable in respect of the content and existence of these other sites.
- Subject to such legal or regulatory provisions as may apply, CEPIC may not be held liable for any losses, direct or indirect, including in particular, but not limited to, loss of profits, customers, data, non-material assets that may arise due to use or to inability to use the site, also, more generally, to any event linked to the site and/or any third-party site. In particular, CEPIC may not be held liable in the event of total or partial piracy of the site and in respect of such losses as you or any third-party may incur as a result of such piracy
Intellectual property:
Site use shall confer no intellectual property rights whatsoever upon the user as regards site content, which shall remain property of CEPIC. This means that all text, photos, videos, data, displays, logos, trademarks and other items reproduced on the site shall be reserved and protected by authors’ rights, the law governing trademarks and/or royalties and/or any other provision currently in force such as may apply to intellectual property.
It is, therefore, forbidden to reproduce, represent, broadcast, offer for sale, alter, grant, partially or in full, any item reproduced on the site and the site in general, partially or in full, without prior express permission from CEPIC.
You may set up a link between your own site and the homepage at the CEPIC site. Any hyperlink between your own site and a page inside our site must be expressly authorised in advance by CEPIC.
Any unlawful use of all or part of the site (pirating, infringement, etc.) may result in proceedings being brought, pursuant to current laws.
Data Privacy:
Please consult our Privacy Policy page
Applicable Law:
The site shall be governed by Belgian law and the Courts with jurisdiction in the Brussels area shall, alone, be competent to rule in any disputes that may arise.