Artificial Intelligence

AI heralds a revolution for visual content. But while it has the potential to foster innovation, it must be used responsibly. CEPIC’s efforts on the EU AI Act, EU General Purpose Code of Practice and AI Template as well as the establisment AI Ethical Guidelines aim to make sureAI is used transparently, users’ data and privacy are respected , and creators are remunerated.

Artificial Intelligence

Authenticity Working Group created

Tools such as deepfakes, AI-generated content and automated bots can create highly realistic but fabricated information that can easily mislead people. This makes authenticity more important than ever CEPIC has recently created a working group around the concept of authenticity. What is authenticity in the visual medium and what are the rules for its application? The working group's recommendations will be presented at CEPIC 2025 in Juan les Pins in May.
Artificial Intelligence

CEPIC to Attend ‘Unmasking AI’ Event on Thursday 27 February

CEPIC will be represented at the ‘Unmasking AI – How GenAI Works & Making the EU AI Act Succeed’ event on February 27, 2025, with Patrick Lacroix, CEO of Belga, attending on our behalf. The event will explore AI model training, copyright infringement, licensing practices, and what the EU AI Act must deliver to ensure responsible AI development and enforcement.
Artificial Intelligence

Paris 2025 AI Action Summit : International charter on ‘Culture and Innovation’

On the occasion of the AI summit that took place in Paris on 10 and 11 February 2025, CEPIC added its voice to that of nearly 40 organisations representing rights holders calling on AI companies to respect fundamental rights, including copyright and related rights. This requires effective and complete transparency towards the holders of rights over the protected works and content used to train the AI models. The latter are to conclude licences within the framework of authorisations duly negotiated with the holders of rights.
Artificial Intelligence

Copyrightability of AI

The U.S. Copyright Office issued a report on the copyrightability of works created by artificial intelligence (AI), analyzing whether such works could be protected under copyright law. Here are the key points from the report.
Artificial Intelligence

Supporting Transparency and Copyright in AI: A Unified Voice for Europe’s Creative Industries

CEPIC and a coalition of leading creative organisations across Europe are urging the EU to improve the Second Draft of the General-purpose AI Code of Practice to align with copyright laws and safeguard creators’ rights.
Artificial Intelligence

FR Report on the implementation of the EU Act published

The Report on the implementation of the European regulation on artificial intelligence was published on 11 December 2024. Chaired by Alexandra Bensamoun, with the support of Lionel Ferreira and Frederic Pascal. CEPIC was audited and here are the main points.
Artificial Intelligence

Creators and rightsholders unite in a call for strong AI Act implementation to protect copyrights

A coalition of over 20 organisations representing creators and rightsholders across the European Union has issued a joint letter urging EU leaders to enforce the AI Act with meaningful measures to protect copyright and ensure fair remuneration.
Artificial Intelligence

CEPIC contributes to EU consultation on Code of Practice for AI models

CEPIC successfully contributed an extensive response to the consultation by the European AI Office ahead of its first Code of Practice for General-Purpose AI Models. With 427 respondents from industry, rightsholders, civil society, and academia, the consultation aimed to establish a well-rounded foundation for drafting the first version of the AI Code. Here we summarise the initial findings from the closed questions, which offer valuable insights into transparency, copyright, risk assessment, and internal governance.
Artificial Intelligence

Blurring the Lines: AI's Transformative Impact on Photojournalism Explored at Visa pour l'Image

Artificial intelligence was a prominent topic at this year's 36th Visa pour l'Image festival in Perpignan, following its discussion at the previous CEPIC conference. Gilles Courtinat, a journalist for the French magazine 'Le oeil de l'info,' and Paul Melcher, a well-known expert in visual technology, initiated a well-attended debate on the subject on Friday at the festival.
Artificial Intelligence

Study Reveals AI Training Constitutes Copyright Infringement

A groundbreaking interdisciplinary study titled “Copyright & Training of Generative AI – Technological and Legal Foundations,” presented on September 4th at the European Parliament, reveals that the training of generative AI models involves copyright infringement. Commissioned by the Copyright Initiative, the study was conducted by Prof. Dr. Tim W. Dornis (University of Hannover) and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stober (University of Magdeburg).
Artificial Intelligence

EU AI ACT Joint statement from European creators and rightsholders

We welcome the approval of the EU AI Act by the European Parliament, and we thank Members of the European Parliament for the essential role they have played in supporting creators and rightsholders throughout the legislative process.
Artificial Intelligence

Navigating the EU AI Act: Introducing the AI Act Explorer

The European Union is on the verge of implementing groundbreaking legislation on artificial intelligence (AI) with the EU AI Act. This regulatory framework will set the stage for governing AI technologies across the EU. To help individuals and organisations understand the complexities of this impending law, we introduce the AI Act Explorer.
Artificial Intelligence

Let's build a world-class AI that respects literary and artistic property rights

In a letter signed by 70 professional organisations in France, including CEPIC's members the UPP and SAPHIR, the creative industry has, in the context of the Trilogue on the draft European Regulation on artificial intelligence, the AI Act, turned to the French Prime Minister calling for France's strong commitment on behalf of the cultural and creative sector.
Artificial Intelligence

Visual Content is facing its revolution

CEPIC, International Association of the Media Licensing Industry, is pleased to announce the release of its AI Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Re-Use and Production of Visual Content.
Artificial Intelligence

Email Your MP to Safeguard Creative Rights in AI: Ed Newton Rex’s Draft Consultation Response and Campaign Launch

Take action to safeguard creative rights in AI! The Write to Your MP campaign is now live, offering an easy way to contact your MP and support ethical AI policies.
Artificial Intelligence

AI And Copyright Consultation: Creative Rights in AI Coalition Urges Government to Enforce Copyright Law Through Transparency Without Compromising Rights

CreativeRights in AI Coalition responds to the government’s AI and copyright consultation: Rights holders oppose the proposed copyright exception, emphasising the need to uphold existing laws and prioritise licensing. Transparency measures must strengthen enforcement, not undermine protections.