CEPIC represents hundreds of Picture Libraries and Agencies, who themselves represent hundreds of thousands of photographers whose core business is the direct licensing of visual content offline and online. Acting as rightsholders, Picture Libraries and Agencies license digital assets for all kinds of commercial uses, to newspapers, magazines, advertising, broadcasters, etc. CEPIC members are continuously adapting to innovative technology and have developed sophisticated digital platforms to both market digital content online and provide digital access to images.

CEPIC’s purpose is to act as a united voice for the visual media industry in Europe and beyond. 

We have five aims as an organisation:

  1. Protect the copyright of visual media creators and lobby for legal and regulatory protection to ensure rights are maintained and upheld.
  2. Ensure a functioning market for visual media licensing, and comparable and compatible trade regulations across territories to support this.
  3. Develop and champion ethical standards of activity across the visual media industry.
  4. Build and share knowledge among members to support growth and competition in the creative economy.
  5. Actively collaborate with and support organisations across the world with similar interests, to build a global exchange of information and a coherent voice.    

Since 18 May 2022 CEPIC is officially registered as A.I.S.B.L (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) in Brussels, Nbr 0786.351.284

Transparency Register: CEPIC AISBL: 844063451685-53

 More information here