
All posts related to this category.

Request for input - Updated CICI Briefing Note

In advance of the upcoming roundtable with Sabine Verheyen, marking the start of the new CICI programme from September onwards, C8 Associates are looking to update and refresh the CICI briefing note to provide a clear outline of the key issues for discussion with our guests. As part of this, we would like to ask you to share with us the top issues you would like to see included in the note, as well as any opinions and positions you would like to express in relation to these issues.

AI Act: European AI Office has launched a Multi-stakeholder Consultation on trustworthy general-purpose AI models

The European AI Office recently launched a Multi-stakeholder Consultation on trustworthy general-purpose AI models under the AI Act. Submissions must be completed by Tuesday 10 September 2024. This will inform the drafting process to detail rules for general-purpose AI model providers in the first General-Purpose AI Code of Practice.

AI Act: Participate in the drawing-up of the first General-Purpose AI Code of Practice

The European AI Office has opened a call for expression of interest to participate in the drawing-up of the first general-purpose AI Code of Practice. The European AI Office invites eligible general-purpose AI model providers, downstream providers and other industry organisations, other stakeholder organisations such as civil society organisations or rightsholders organisations, as well as academia and other independent experts to express their interest to participate in the drawing-up of the Code of Practice.

Request from Rightsholder organisations that DRCF investigate Meta’s new Privacy Policy

Following Meta’s proposals to update its privacy policies to allow training of AI models, societies representing copyright of visual artists, writers, performers and directors have jointly written to the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF), which was established in 2020 to cooperate on the regulation of online platforms, to investigate the matter.

Horizon 2025

Horizon Europe gave us the opportunity to complete a feedback survey which will be used to implement the key strategic orientations in the Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027. Review this post to view the survey submitted on behalf of FEP, CEPIC, IMPALA and VGE by Enrico Turrin, Deputy Director of the Federation of European Publishers.

Celebrating a Decade of Creativity: Creativity Works! 2024-2029 Manifesto

Creativity Works!, Europe's premier coalition representing vibrant cultural and creative sectors, is celebrating 10 years of fostering creativity and cultural diversity. Their latest manifesto, covering 2024-2029, outlines a bold vision for the future of Europe’s creative industries. With a geographically diverse membership that spans writers, book publishers, music publishers, film producers, broadcasters, and video game companies, this coalition is committed to promoting creativity, enhancing cultural diversity, and protecting intellectual property rights in both physical and digital realms.

CW! Contribution to the Swedish Consultation on the Implementation of NIS2

As you may remember, CW! submitted a contribution to the Belgian consultation on the implementation of NIS2 in December 2023. This was an opportunity to reiterate our DSA position on public access to the WHOIS database. Some members have brought to our attention that Sweden was now consulting stakeholders on the same matter (until 28th May).

Webinar: How do you protect your AI assets?

Is AI Copyrightable? Part III - We have invited 2 legal experts to discuss how AI Output can be protected if not by copyright.

CEPIC 2025

CEPIC 2025 promises even more business opportunities – and more enjoyment – than ever before. Set in the South of France, it’s an unmissable opportunity to network with an array of visual media professionals from across the globe, make contacts and do good business.