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Dennis Wetzig - CEO of PIXRAY- Speaker of the 2nd CEPIC Enforcement Webinar

Meet Dennis Wetzig, CEO of PIXRAY - the creators of - who will present the point of view of European copyright owners. Sign up today.

Higbee & Associates Offers A Complete Copyright Enforcement Service

The Law Firm of Higbee & Associates is a true full-service copyright law firm that has helped photographers and agencies recover nearly 40 million dollars from infringers.

Thanks to our webinar Sponsors!

They make the CEPIC webinars possible.

CEPIC Enforcement Webinar 2 on 20 April

As a follow up to our Enforcement webinar of 5th March, CEPIC will be looking at copyright enforcement across territories. The webinar is sponsored by Higbee & Associates.

Christina Hawatmeh: Speaker of the CEPIC Business Webinar

Meet Christina Hawatmeh - Founder and CEO of Scopio - at the CEPIC Business Webinar: Is it still possible to make money with photography? on 25 March. Sign up today!

Sarah Casillas: Speaker of the CEPIC Business Webinar

Meet Sarah Casillas - Head of Content for Adobe Stock - at the CEPIC Business Webinar: Is it still possible to make money with photography? on 25 March. Sign up today!

Andreas Genz: Speaker of the CEPIC Business Webinar

Meet Andreas Genz - Managing Director at dpa Picture Alliance - at the CEPIC Business Webinar: Is it still possible to make money with photography? on 25 March. Sign up today!

Culture should be explicitely included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans

CEPIC joins 110+ European cultural networks and organisations in a joint letter to ensure that that culture is explicitly included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans of the EU.

CEPIC 2025

CEPIC 2025 promises even more business opportunities – and more enjoyment – than ever before. Set in the South of France, it’s an unmissable opportunity to network with an array of visual media professionals from across the globe, make contacts and do good business.