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Announcing venue and dates of CEPIC Congress 2019!

Mark your agenda: the next CEPIC Congress will take place from 5th to 7th June 2019 and it will be in ...

IPTC fields now show next to the image in Google Images

On 26 September, Google launched an important change in showing images online : creator and credit of photos as filled in the IPTC fields will now be displayed next to the image in Google Images.

Scott Braut

It is with much regret that we have read the sad news of the departure of Scott Braut of Adobe Stock.

Drain You: Copytrack Makes Infringers Pay for Stolen Nirvana Images

Rab Lewin is a photographer with a long career in music photography. He was in Berlin in the 90s and captured iconic images of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. Recently he found they had been stolen and used by Belgian TV, a global online news site, and others. Copytrack recovered fees for this misuse.

Shamanism - Spiritual Guides for Indigenous Peoples from Werner Forman Archive

Many ancient peoples had holy men, called Shamans, to help them understand and engage with both the ‘spirit world’ and the actual world.

Bangladesh: UN human rights experts urge immediate release of photographer Shahidul Alam

On 5 August, Shahidul Alam was arrested in his house in Dhaka, hours after a Al Jezeera released an interview with him on the demonstrations in Bangladesh. The UN Human Rights expert urge for his release.


Bruce Stangle And Kevin McCurry To Counsel On Market Strategy And Corporate Initiatives

C-161/17 – Córdoba The CJEU decision is positive for photographers

In the "Cordoba" case, the CJEU has confirmed that Internet users must ask for a photographer’s permission before publishing their images, even if the photos were already freely accessible elsewhere online.

CEPIC 2025

CEPIC 2025 promises even more business opportunities – and more enjoyment – than ever before. Set in the South of France, it’s an unmissable opportunity to network with an array of visual media professionals from across the globe, make contacts and do good business.