March 24, 2023
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Announcing ground-breaking AI Day at Congress 2023 in Antibes on 11th May 2023

CEPIC announces ground-breaking AI  Day at Congress 2023 in Antibes in May 2023, at the core of Sofia-Antipolis, the first technopol in Europe, highlighting the Advancements in AI for the international Visual Communications industry.

Brussels, Belgium– CEPIC is pleased to announce the upcoming CEPIC AI Day on May 11th 2023. This one-day event to be held as part of Congress 2023 will bring together experts in artificial intelligence and visual communications to share their knowledge and discuss the latest advancements in the field.

The CEPIC AI Day will be held at The Palais de Congress in Antibes, France, at the core of Sofia-Antipolis, the first technopol in Europe, and will feature a range of presentations and discussions on the legal, creative and commercial applications of AI in the global visual communications industry. Shutterstock , one of the leading industry pioneers in AI will be presenting the Key Note address on the 11th May and the day itself is packed with Experts from across the globe and will include specialist lawyers such as Nancy Wolff (USA ), Anna Skurczynska (UK) and Florian Koempel (EU),  Yordanka Ivanoka (from the DG Connect European Commission), Andy Parsons (Content Authenticity Initiative, Adobe), among many other high profile Speakers. Alongside Platinum sponsor, Shutterstock, support partner include VAIsual, a generative AI company, PictureMaxxImatag, Picvario, Activo and the European Alliance of News Agencies. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn about the latest AI technologies and the breaking legislation around its applications, how these laws can and will be applied across the visual communications industry and what commercial opportunities there are for Generative AI. . We will also explore the specific issues for the cultural heritage sector in the session ‘Is AI Hijacking Art? CEPIC will also formally present its AI Ethical Guidelines for the Re-Use and Production of Visual Content (download)

The event will cover a wide range of topics from the spectrum of legal, technological and commercial perspectives. including Generative AI, image recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning. Attendees will also have the opportunity to network with peers and industry experts and to participate in interactive sessions.

"We are excited to bring together some of the leading experts in AI and visual communications for this very special and informative CEPIC AI Day in the South of France," said Christina Vaughan, President of CEPIC. "This event will provide a valuable opportunity for top professionals in our industry to learn about the latest advancements in AI and how they can be applied to their businesses and all stakeholders from creators to clients."

The CEPIC AI Day is included in the fees for all registrants at Congress 2023 and will also be opened to anyone interested in the intersection of AI and visual communications, including photo and press agencies, photographers, designers, marketers, and technologists. Registration for the event is now open, and can be found here. For more information and to register, visit

About CEPIC:

CEPIC is the Centre of the Picture Industry, an international organization that represents the interests of picture agencies and libraries. CEPIC's mission is to promote and protect the interests of picture agencies and libraries and to support the industry in all aspects of its work. For more information, visit

Press Release (PDF)

CEPIC AI Ethical Guidelines for the Re-Use and Production of Visual Content (PDF)

Copyright (C) – Thank you to our sponsor Alamy for the pictures.

People in silhouette with neon and smoke Generative AI
A colorful illustration of the planet Earth. Created with Generative AI
Brain exploding with different colors. Generative AI
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