June 1, 2022
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Annual General Meeting 2022

The virtual format has proven to work very well in 2020 and 2021, with increased attendance and lively, structured debates. As we have done in previous years, we will provide different modules allowing for participants to join at different times, depending on the subject matter they are interrested in.


 Minutes of CEPIC AISBL, June 2022

AGENDA Virtual Annual General Meeting 2022

13.00 H – 14.00 H

  • INTRODUCTION and vote on acceptance of present Agenda and Timing.
  • Congress 2020 – 2022: Up-Date, Presentation of the result of the Congress survey, future prospects (0,5 H)
  • Finances up-date: balance sheet 2021, budget 2022, liquidity plan (0,5 H), Congress results and membership fees

PAUSE: 15 minutes

14.15 H – 15.15 H

  • Registration in Brussels – CEPIC AISBL What is next? (0,5 H)
  • New members since last AGM in June 2021
  • Advocacy work – Presentation of working groups results (0,5 H)

- Enforcement working group- AI working group- Other?- Article 17 and Article 15 impementation – Where are we now? (0,5 H)

All Members, as well as Associate Members, may participate in the General Meeting, but only full Members hold a voting right.

The general meeting is a key feature in the life of a trade organisation. It provides the opportunity to review and approve activities as well as put forward own suggestions.




CLOSING ACCOUNTS 2021 (provisional, in German)

English version
_ French version 

Situation of CEPIC at the date of the meeting

Presentations made on 29.06.2022

1. Congress (participants, revenues, sponsors)
There were 100 participants less than expected at C22 in Palma de Mallorca. Nevertheless the Congress revenues fared relatively well thanks to a higher + 40% sponsorship. 
Research for venue 2023 is on-going.

2. Finances
(See document above "Situation of CEPIC" for detailed report.)
There is a loss of approx. - 30 K € in 2021 ; this is considerably less than in 2020 after severe cost cuts. Expectation is that after a successful Congress and low-cost administration CEPIC will be making profits again in 2022 and can slowly work at rebuilding its reserves. The Budget approved by the Board in January 2022 was revised to integrate up-dated values, notably a lower Congress income and slightly higher costs, notably salary costs. The Treasurer Report was approved by the Members.

3. A.I.S.B.L and Membership
CEPIC A.S.B.L has legal personality since May 2022. The major advantage is the extension of full membership outside the EU. This allows notably for the re-integration of BAPLA. There is a positive membership dynamic in CEPIC.

4. Lobbying/ Advocacy
With COVID and travel restrictions, reduction of costs, notably of staff costs and focus on the survival of CEPIC, the lobbying side of CEPIC's activity has become low-key. Nevertheless CEPIC has managed to keep a profile thanks to the work of its partners organisations in Brussels and has co-signed several letters and statement, notably around "platform liability". Furtherone the implementation of the copyright directive at national level is being followed, with positive progress (notably in France where firt payments have been made). Since 2021 CEPIC has created working groups. The first WG has delivered Guidelines on Copyright Enforcement.



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