January 26, 2022
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BAPLA is back at CEPIC as a full member along with its own representative on the CEPIC Board

 The registration of CEPIC in Brussels as an AISBL has made this possible:  Britain is back, BAPLA is back. At least at CEPIC!

Paul SEHEULT will represent BAPLA on the CEPIC Board.

In November 2021, we made a major step in the transformation of CEPIC E.E.I.G. into CEPIC A.I.S.B.L with the signature and notarial registration of the constitutive act of CEPIC AISBL.

The AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is an international non profit association under Belgian law. One of the benefits of this legal form versus the E.E.I.G legal form is it allows us to accept full members from all over the world and we are no longer restricted to member States of the EU. This allows to re-integrate Britain post Brexit into the Association's fold and for CEPIC to welcome back its long time member: BAPLA.

BAPLA was a founding member of the original CEPIC. The UK association of picture libraries and agencies has provided three presidents: Paul BROWN from 1996 to 1997, Alan SMITH from 1996 to 2009 and Christina VAUGHAN from 2009 to 2013 (*). 
BAPLA is also a founding member of CEPIC A.I:S.B.L

Paul SEHEULT, BAPLA's representative on the CEPIC Board says:  "As a founding member of the original CEPIC, BAPLA is delighted to be involved at this level in the new international CEPIC, and strongly supports it's vision for the future. We are confident that the dynamics Christina brings to anything she is involved in will ensure a strong CEPIC and Congress, now and in the future. On a personal level, as a long-time supporter of CEPIC as the centre of the image licensing industry, I am honoured to be the BAPLA representative on the CEPIC Board, and look forward to exciting times ahead, and of course getting back together with so many friends at Congress later this year."

Christina VAUGHAN, CEPIC's newly elected President says: " I am absolutely delighted to welcome back BAPLA who we know will make a major contribution to our newly reinvigorated and reshaped CEPIC. We have a strong new vision for CEPIC in this new age post Pandemic and post-Brexit and we know we are at our strongest when all the different voices of our international community are heard. This is an exciting time to be part of the visual communications industry shaping the future with new technology, innovation, legislation and human endeavour"

CEPIC registration is Brussels is currently awaiting its Belgian Royal Decree to be fully executive.

(Note: In 2021 Christina Vaughan was able to be elected president of CEPIC thanks to the honory membership of Image Source granted by SNAPIG France.)

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