January 27, 2022
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Best Practice Working Group on Copyright Enforcement delivers Guidelines

In August 2021 CEPIC created a working group on Best Practices in Copyright Enforcement.

The group, made up equally of agencies and service companies, has completed its work and produced a list of recommendations: The CEPIC Best Practices in Copyright Tracking.

Crawlers chasing copyright infringement are active in the market doing a tremendous job in tracking pirated visual online content. However, the same issues come up time and again: what happens when rights are not exclusive? What happens when clients receive claims from a photographer for a picture they purchased via an agency representing this photographer? Is it OK to claim for images published without a license 10-15 years ago? – How retrospective can a claim be?

This document is intended for agencies and rights holders to help them assert their rights . It has been focused on the most frequent cases, social media issues should be the subject of another working group.

The group comprised:

For picture agencies:

Jason FISHER – Dreamstime (USA) ; Marion BIGOT – AFP (France); Lars MODIE – TT (Sweden)

For copyright enforcement crawlers:

Dennis WETZIG – Pixray (Germany); -Elsa BIZET – Pixtrakk (France); Geoff CANNON – PicRights (European offices)




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