On 14 November, European Parliament approved EU multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027 and proposes substantial increase to Creative Europe programme. Now call Member States must share this level of ambition!
The letter below was addressed to the European Parliament before the vote. CEPIC belongs to the signatories.
Dear Member of the European Parliament,
We are writing as a group of 80 organisations from across the cultural and creative sectors ahead of the plenary vote on the next EU MFF 2021-2027 on 14th November.
We welcome the recent BUDG vote on MFF proposing to increase the Creative Europe budget to €2.8bn, and call on you to support this much needed boost to the only EU programme dedicated to cultural and creative sectors via three complementary strands.
This ambition is shared by MEP Costa in her report on Creative Europe, as well as by MEP Grammatikakis in his report on a New European Agenda for Culture.
As it is now well established, culture and creativity are among Europe’s strongest assets. Their contribution to the social, economic and artistic development of Europe fully justifies the added value of EU investment in culture.
But these sectors remain structurally underfinanced. As highlighted in the impact assessmentaccompanying the investEU proposal, the financing gap for creative SMEs and micro organisations across Europe is estimated to be somewhere between €8bn and €13bn.
At 0,16% of the MFF, the Creative Europe budget is by no means proportionate to these sectors' contribution, and as a consequence the programme has very low application success rates.
We hope we can count on you to support the proposed increased budget for Creative Europe.
Yours sincerely,
The undersigned organisations:
ACE (Architects' Council of Europe)
ACCR Europe (Réseau Européen des Centres culturels de rencontre)
AEC (Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen)
AER (Association of European Radios)
Circostrada (European Network Circus and Street Arts)
CEPI (European Coordination of Independent Producers)
CEPIC (Centre of the Picture Industry)
Culture Action Europe
EAA (European Association of Archaeologists)
EAS (European Association for Music in schools)
EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
ECF (European Cultural Foundation)
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat
ECCD (European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity)
ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations)
ECHO (European Concert Hall Organisation)
ECSA (European Composer & Songwriter Alliance)
EFA (European Festivals Association)
EFAITH (European Federation of Associations for Industrial and Technical Heritage)
EFFORTS (European Federation of Fortified Sites)
EHTTA (European Historic Thermal Towns Association)
EIBF (European and International Booksellers Federation)
EJN (Europe Jazz Network)
ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts)
European Museum Academy
EMC (European Music Council)
EMEE (European Music Exporters Exchange)
EMU (European Music School Union)
ENCATC (European Network on Cultural Management and Policy)
Europa Nostra, also on behalf of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 as its coordinator
European Network Michael Culture
Eurosonic Noorderslag
Eurozine (European network of cultural journals and online magazine)
ERIH European Route of Industrial Heritage
ETC (European Theatre Convention)
EUYO (European Union Youth Orchestra)
EWC (European Writers' Council)
FEDEC (European Federation of Professional Circus Schools)
FEDECRAIL (European Umbrella Organization of Heritage rail organizations)
FEP (Federation of European Publishers)
FIA (International Federation of Actors)
FIAD (International Federation of Film Distributors' Associations)
FIAPF (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films)
FIM (Fédération Internationale des Musiciens)
FSE (Federation of Screenwriters in Europe)
GESAC (European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers)
IAMIC (International Association of Music Information Centres)
IAO (International Artist Organisation)
ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites
IFLA Europe (International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe)
IFPI - representing the recording industry worldwide
IGCAT (International Institute for Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism)
IMMF (International Music Managers Forum)
IMPALA (Independent Music Companies Association)
IMPF (Independent Music Publishers International Forum)
INES (Innovation Network of European Showcases)
Interpret Europe
ISFE (Interactive Software Federation of Europe)
IVF - International Video Federation
JMI (Jeunesses Musicales International)
Live DMA (European network for music venues and festivals)
Liveurope (The live music platform for new European talent)
Mad'in Europe
NEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations)
On the Move (Cultural Mobility Information Network)
Pearle* - Live Performance Europe
PERSPECTIV - Association of Historic Theatres in Europe
REMA (European Early Music Network - Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne)
Res Artis (Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies)
Robert Bosch Cultural Managers Network
SEE Heritage Network
SHAPE (Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe)
Sistema Europe (El Sistema European Network for Social Action Music)
TEH (Trans Europe Halles)
UNIC (International Union of Cinemas)
UNI MEI (UNI global union - Media and Entertainment International)