August 30, 2022
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CEPIC 2023

The results of our survey are in and we are delighted to announce that we have used the summer months to secure our destination for Congress 2023.

We are returning to the birth country of Photography and will be hosting our next Congress in Juan les Pins, Antibes in the South of France – the nearest international airport being Nice.  Congress will take place from the 10th-12th May 2023 – and for those with an interest in film, it is just before the Cannes Film Festival.

Please SAVE THE DATE and look out for the announcements that will be coming in the next few weeks and months when you can learn about Sponsorships and Speaker opportunities as well as how to secure your delegate passes, table and hotel.

We cant wait to see you in 2023 in the South of France!

 Presentation of the venue: Convention Center of Juan les Pins

The rocky coast of Villa Eilenroc at the Cap d’Antibes, Juan les Pins,  France

(c)  Photo: Prisma by Dukas/René van der Meer

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