June 27, 2023
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CEPIC AGM 27th June 2023 Main Documents

Documents distributed at the CEPIC AGM on 27th June 2023


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 Presentation PDF Congress AGM CEPIC June 2023


1. 1. Postponement of the annual general meeting to an extraordinary general meeting in autumn 2023
Date will be proposed at the meeting

Rationale: Congress 2023 has been a huge success, both in terms of quality and economically. This has come not without challenges in terms of organisation at a time when CEPIC is still recovering from the COVID, with reduced staff and capacities.

The Board of CEPIC and the one-person staff now need time to focus and address the following issues:
– Finances, including the 2024 Budget
- Terminate the liquidation of CEPIC E.E.I.G
- New membership categories and new membership structure to encourage growth and evolution
- Elections of a new Board

The Board therefore ask the Membership to postpone the Annual Meeting to a date to be determined in the autumn of 2023.

2. Feedback from AGM Participants

We wish to use this hour to exchange with participants on their ideas, propositions, answer any questions we can.

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