Following the EGM on 23rd November 2023, CEPIC confirmed a newly elected Board to serve the 2023-2025 term:
Vice president:
Members at large:
General Board Member
As the outgoing President of CEPIC, Christina Vaughan commented as follows:
“I am absolutely delighted to welcome our strong new Board which reflects the diversity of our industry in terms of size and sector with global and local voices now represented. We are in excellent shape for future growth having laid solid foundations this past two years coming out of the Pandemic. The structural switch to AISBL allows us to broaden our membership outside of Europe and give us a strong lobbying voice in Brussels, particularly important with the seismic shifts and opportunities with AI. I would like to thank all of the outgoing Board members and in particular, CEPIC’s outgoing Treasurer, Stephan Werder who has guided our finances towards a secure future; CEPIC’s Executive Director, Sylvie Fodor, all our current National Associations who have given selflessly to CEPIC in challenging times and our Members, Affiliates and Sponsors. We are an amazing global family at CEPIC - long may we continue to prosper in these interesting times”. - Christina Vaughan
Emily Shelley as new President will bring a wealth of experience to the role. As the Managing Director of Alamy, she oversees partnerships with over 700 agencies worldwide and 1000s of photographers. Emily's experience as a leader will support CEPIC in its global vision. With a background in media and publishing as well as serving on the Board at PA Media Group, Emily has also been a customer of many CEPIC members, providing her with valuable buyer insights. As the Executive Director of Alamy's parent company, PA Media Group.
"I'm honoured to be taking up the position of Cepic President at such an important time for our industry. By working together we'll all benefit from the opportunities presented by new technology and new markets. We can also ensure that transparency forms the bedrock of visual content licensing and consumption worldwide.
"CEPIC has a fantastic team and board and owes so much to the outgoing President Christina Vaughan. I look forward to continuing her legacy of success and to working hard to represent all our members and to deliver value." - Emily Shelley
An in-depth article on the new Board will follow after their first official Board Meeting next week.
CEPIC represents hundreds of Picture Libraries and Agencies representing hundreds of thousands of photographers whose core business is the direct licensing of visual content offline and online. Acting as right holders, Picture Libraries and Agencies license digital assets for all kinds of commercial uses, to newspapers, magazines, advertising, broadcasters, etc. CEPIC members are continuously adapting towards innovative technology solutions for the growth of digital enterprises and have developed sophisticated digital platforms to both market digital content online and provide digital access to images.
Amongst CEPIC members are global players such as Getty Images, Shutterstock, and Adobe, visual content marketplaces such as Alamy and Dreamstimes, fine arts libraries such as Bridgeman Images or AKG Images, historical archives such as Roger-Viollet, news agencies such as Belga (Belgium), TT (Sweden), ANP (Netherlands) or the AFP (France), more recently AI focused image libraries such as VAIsual, photographers associations such as the Union des Photographes Professionnels, the UPP, as well as representatives for European trade associations AEAPAF, BAPLA, BLF, FNAPPI, SAB, SAPHIR and SNAPIG.
President - Emily Shelley
Executive Director - Sylvie Fodor
Vice President - Gilles Devicq
Treasurer - Sergi Griño
For more information, please contact Sylvie at
PDF version available for download here.