From 27 to 29 October 2019 the DMLA conference takes place in the Mariott Hotel in Los Angeles. CEPIC will be there. CEPIC President Alfonso Gutierrez will be on the Google round table.
"Sessions will focus on the big issues — from Free Content to Trusted Sources to Image Search to Practical AI to the growing call for Authenticity and Personalization in content." writes DMLA here
Alfonso Gutierrez will be on the panel "Platforms & Search: European & News Publishers Perspective"
We dig deeper into Google and Facebook's effect on licensing and the evolving relationship between content and tech with European and news publisher perspectives from CEPIC, our sister organization in Europe, and the News Media Alliance, leading news media publishers efforts with Google and other platforms. Join Danielle Coffey, SVP of Strategic Initiatives, News Media Alliance and Alfonso Gutierrez, President of CEPIC.