January 26, 2021
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CEPIC Cultural Heritage Webinar - Sign up Today

Challenges and Opportunities of Selling Cultural Heritage Images

Open data policies and legislations have brought a number of challenges to cultural heritage libraries: loss of control with potential rights issues, loss of opportunities for profit from the right of reproduction and consequent under-financing of the libraries and collections. Is there a future for cultural heritage? How can such challenges be turned into opportunities? How has the market for cultural heritage and fine arts images evolved in the last ten years? What are the prospects for the next ten years?

The CEPIC cultural heritage webinar will confront the views of a long established cultural heritage and fine arts library and those of a general stock library that has recently entered this market and will match them with the expectations of a picture buyer.

Our speakers are:

Thomas Pey, AKG Images, France
Alfonso Gutiérrez, agefotostock, Spain
Veneta Bullen, Chair of PRA, UK

The debate will be moderated by Andrea Stern, ASA Ltd, UK

As per CEPIC's usual webinar format, there will be a half hour panel presentation followed by another half hour of questions and feedback from participants. CEPIC's webinars are interactive and allow  participants to network virtually.

FORMAT: Zoom features

DATE: 16 February 17 H – 18 H CET

ADMISSION: 16.45 H – Overtime possible until 18.15 H CET


CEPIC member fee: 29, – € with promo code
Email CEPIC to request your CEPIC Member promo code.*
Non CEPIC members:
 49, – €
Picture Editors & Photographers: 9, – €



Participants may send questions in advance to


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