October 27, 2021
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CEPIC is looking for its representative at IPTC

As a membership organisation, we rely on our members' support to fulfil our mission and goals. We value our members’ contribution highly and appreciate their willingness to support the organisation.

We are now looking for an individual will to represent CEPIC at IPTC - The International Press and Telecommunication Council -

The ideal candidate should bring knowledge of the stakes and interests of the visual media licensing industry as well as interest and relevant expertise in the following topics:

- Standards such as NewsML and Photo Metadata, 
- Google Licensable Badge
- C2PA and the work on content authentication

The CEPIC representative will participate in any chosen working group and in at least three meetings a year: the Metadata Conference (2) and the IPTC AGM. The representative will provide up-dates to the Board when adequate and make propositions.

If you are interested or have any question, write to CEPIC


Photo Below: IPTC Metadata Conference at the CEPIC Congress 2019 in Paris

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