Crawlers chasing copyright infringement are active in the market doing a tremendous job in tracking pirated visual online content.
However, the same issues come up time and again: what happens when rights are not exclusive? What happens when clients receive claims from a photographer for a picture they purchased via an agency representing this photographer? Is it OK to claim for images published without a license 10-15 years ago? – How retrospective can a claim be?
Following two very successful CEPIC webinars on Copyright Enforcement rules and crawlers practices, CEPIC has set up a working group that will look into these questions and propose guidelines to notably avoid false claims and develop best practices to collect claims and to propose fair and credible escalation schemes.
The core group comprises:
For picture agencies:
- Lars MODIE - TT (Sweden)
- Jason FISHER - Dreamstime (USA)
- Marion BIGOT - AFP (France)
For copyright enforcement crawlers:
- Dennis WETZIG - Pixray (Germany)
- Elsa BIZET - PixTrackk (France)
- Geoff CANON - PicRights (European offices)
Valérie THÉVENIAUD, former Le Figaro Syndication will coordinate the group.
The goal of the group is to:
1) Develop a concept for coordination about cases between agencies to avoid false claims
2) Develop a draft for a self-commitment of agencies to employ in legally compliant claim collection schemes only.
3) Develop best practices for fair and credible escalation schemes
4) Develop a possible framwork for a „CEPIC Certified Copyright Compliance Program“ accreditation.
The group will start its work on September 13th.
To register interest, offer feedback or lean more please write to CEPIC using our contact e-mail address.