The European Commission has been looking into how to improve the effectiveness in the fight against illegal content online by looking into the liability of Internet Platforms. Users up-loading the content are liable but platforms have a "duty of care" too.
A Comminication (Sept. 2017), followed by s Recommendation (March 2018) have been published.
"The Commission's work is motivated by concerns that the removal of illegal content online continues to be insufficiently effective – incitement to terrorism, illegal hate speech, or child sexual abuse material, as well as infringements of Intellectual Property rights and consumer protection online need to be tackled across the EU with determination and resolve."
"Despite progress, illegal content continues to be uploaded and disseminated through online platforms with relative ease" found the European Commission in its impact assessment.
Because of its closeness to any issues dealt in relation to copyrighted content online - liability of platforms, E-Commerce directive, protection measures, notice and take-down - but also because of its economic and societal importance, this is an important consultation for all stakeholders dealing with digital content.
The public consultation will run until June 25.
The link to the European Commission’s Public consultation on measures to further improve the effectiveness of the fight against illegal content online.