COVID-19 Crisis & CCI Workers
Preliminary Pan-european Research
The creative sector is endangered!
The Covid- 19 crisis has had a tremendous impact on culture and creative workers’ life.
The already implemented measures are not enough and in case of a new quarantine, their very survival will be in stake.
We are in desperate need of new measures and grants.
We are making a tremendous effort to record the damage that the workers in culture have suffered in order to be able to force local governments and the European Commission to act asap.
We have launched the first research on the effects the COVID-19 crisis has had on CCI workers across Europe.
This research is part of MAX project (Makers' Mobility Pilot project, co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by European Creative Hubs Network in partnership with Fab Lab Barcelona, UPTEC and Makery).
For more info, click here:
It is imperative that we all participate and share it with anyone concerned.
Here is the link to the survey:
More info about the research:
The research is covering all 27 member state countries, UK, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Moldova.
It concerns all CCI sectors:
All responses will be anonymous.
The survey will be open until 19th of July and results will be published in September.
You can find materials for visual communication here
Thank you for your attention,
The Max project team
*The European Creative Hubs Network is a peer-led network with a mission to enhance the creative, economic and social impact of hubs. Find out more here: