October 24, 2022
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CEPIC Working Group on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has made considerable progress in recent years. New tools, new players and also new content have appeared in the visual media licensing industry -  some of them are now CEPIC members. Also, legislation around the world is shaping up, as competition between trading blocks (mainly US, EU and Asia) for dominance in this area intensifies.

In May 2022 CEPIC therefore created a working group on Artificial Intelligence with the goal to establish, as a first step, Guidelines for an Ethical Use of AI and follow its inception in the picture industry. We will make sure that we are aligned with our partner associations, such as DMLA and BAPLA, as well as single agencies who have worked on this issue.

We have a diverse and inclusive international group from various sides of the debate.

  • The group is headed by CEPIC Executive Director Sylvie Fodor and coordinated by Valérie Théveniaud-Violette - previously active on the Copyright Enforcement working group (See here)
  • Paul Seheult (CEPIC, BAPLA, PICSEL) will wear these many hats in the group and ensure the liaison
  • The group further includes Marisol Muniz, Nancy Wolff, Florian Koempel for the legal side ;
  • Yair Adato  and Ravit Dotan (BRIA), Michael Osterrieder, Mark Milstein and Keren Flavell (VAIsual), Paul Reinitz and Jonathan Lockwood (Getty Images) for the developers and licensors

First write-up 16.04.2022
Up-dated 24.10.2022


CEPIC represents hundreds of Picture Libraries and Agencies, representing hundreds of thousands of photographers, videographers and increasingly synthographers, whose core business is the direct licensing of visual content off-line and online. Acting as right holders, Picture Libraries and Agencies license digital asset for all kinds of commercial uses, to newspapers, magazines, advertising, broadcasters, etc. CEPIC members are continuously adaptive towards innovative technology solutions for the growth in digital enterprises and have developed sophisticated digital platforms to both market digital content online and provide digital access to images. Amongst CEPIC members are global players such as Getty Images, Magnum Photos, and Alamy, fine arts libraries such the Bridgeman Images, historical archives such as Roger-Viollet and AKG Images, news photo syndication such as Le Figaro, news agencies such as Belga, TT or ANP as well as representatives for European trade associations AEAPAF, BAPLA, BLF, SAB, SAPHIR and SNAPIG. CEPIC's membership also includes several cutting-edge technology developers, some of them involved in manipulating images with AI driven tools, others in creating/ producing AI generated images

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