"A Europe fit for the digital age"
Ursula von der Leyen was elected President of the European Commission in place of Jean-Claude Junker by the European Parliament at 383 against 327 and 22 abstentions. It remains for her to form a team of Commissioners. Ahead of the vote she outlined her political guidelines for the next mandate in a policy document distributed to MEPs and in her speech before the vote. No word on culture but ambitions in digital policies. Notably:
Towards a digital tax?
"I will stand for tax fairness – whether for bricks-and-mortar or digital businesses.
I will ensure that taxation of big tech companies is a priority. I will work hard to ensure the proposals currently on the table are turned into law. Discussions to find an international solution are ongoing, notably at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. However, if by the end of 2020 there is still no global solution for a fair digital tax, the EU should act alone."
This statement may be found in the document that Ursula von der Leyen outlining her Policy guidelines for the next mandature. Also Jean-Claude Junker had made the establishment of a digital tax a priority but Member States had failed to find a compromise.
A union that thrives - My agenda for Europe
EP Plenary session Statement by the candidate for President of the Commission