December 15, 2020
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Digital Single Act and Digital Market Act

The current regulations for digital services and online platforms in the EU are 20 years old. The EU Commission presented its plans for new digital laws yesterday, on December 15th.
The Digital Services Act package | Shaping Europe’s digital future (

CEPIC participated in the public consultation in August/September. The submission is available in the member login area.
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The Digital Single Act and the Digital Market Act target large tech companies that reach more than 10% of the EU’s population.

  • The first set of rules, known as the Digital Services Act, places greater responsibility on large platforms over illegal content/goods. Besides requirements remove “illegal” content more quickly, to audit/ monitor risk on companies’ platforms and to provide greater data access to outsiders, there are penalties are foreseen in case of violations based on the annual turnover of the companies.
  • The Digital Markets Act provides specific do’s and don’ts for “gatekeeper” companies, or dominant digital firms.

It will probably take several years before the new legislation comes into force – the new rules will come into force in 2023 at the earliest. There is a lot of lobbying to be had between now and then...

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