May 28, 2020
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Documents for AGM 2020

Documentation for the Annual General Meeting 2020

Presentations during the meeting

 Congress 2019, postponement of Congress 2020 and Impact of COVID-19 on the industry here

 EU lobbying and national presentations here

 Financial situation 2019 - Forecast 2020 - 2021 here

 Restructuration of CEPIC here

  Agenda of the meeting Download here

Since this will be a virtual AGM, it will be possible to log in at specific times.To Register to each separate slots, visit this page: /virtual-annual-general-meeting

 Minutes of meeting 2019 

 Report of activity 2019 Download here

Closing accounts 2019:

 In German here

 In English here

 Agreement between CEPIC and FNAPPI (March 2019) here

 (for tax purposes) Partition of the BS between "ideal" and "economic" In German here, in English here

 A proxy form for national associations (voting right) Download here 

More about CEPIC