June 8, 2018
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European Commercial Broadcasters across Europe look to EU Parliament to address short-comings of Council position on Copyright dossier

Commercial Broadcasters across Europe look to European Parliament to address short-comings of Council position on Copyright dossier

Associations of commercial broadcasters across Europe (ACT, ABBRO, AKTV, ARCA, and the commercial broadcasters associated in CRTV) express their concerns regarding the Council negotiation mandate and the legal uncertainty that will result from it. This is an important opportunity for commercial broadcasters to support the work done by (Rapporteur) MEP Axel Voss and reaffirm key principles to maintain a vibrant audio-visual media sector.

BRUSSELS, 08 JUNE 2018. Commercial broadcasters are supporters of the Commission’s copyright proposals as a means to ensuring the fair treatment of audio-visual content providers. While the Commission’s proposals on copyright sought to clarify the role and responsibilities of online intermediaries, the recently adopted Council negotiation mandate introduces additional measures which water down certainty over the applicable law and jeopardise key objectives of the text.

Broadcasters are particularly concerned with the new exemption afforded to Platforms that is diametrically opposed to the principles expressed in the Commission’s proposal. Should this approach be retained, it would lead to greater competitive imbalances, endangering in the process a vibrant sector that delivers for citizens and consumers, supports one million European Audiovisual (AV) jobs and contributes €93 billion annually to the EU economy.

Broadcasters look to the European Parliament to ensure negotiations lead to a legal environment that allows for a sustainable, diverse and plural media landscape. In particular, broadcasters wish to encourage the JURI Committee and the Rapporteur – MEP Axel Voss – for seeking a regime that is in line with the original aims of the proposed review.

Europe is at a critical juncture and needs bold policies that promote growth and jobs by investing in the future of its third largest economic sector, the creative and cultural economy. We are fundamentally attached to the notions of investment in AV, media pluralism and cultural diversity that underpin our members’ role in European society and economies.


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