December 14, 2023
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European Parliament’s report on the implementation of the Geo-blocking regulation: The creative and cultural industries applaud today’s plenary vote


The European Parliament voted for culture today and preserved Europe’s cultural diversity along with consumer welfare.

Creativity Works!, Europe’s leading coalition of the creative and cultural industries, welcomes the vote on the ‘Implementation of the 2018 Geoblocking Regulation in the Digital Single Market’ INI report.

Laura Houlgatte, Chair of Creativity Works!, concluded: “We are pleased with the outcome of today’s vote on geo-blocking. The European Parliament joins the European Council of Ministers in supporting territorial exclusivity and contractual freedom, which are the backbones of the creative and cultural industries in Europe. Creativity Works! is most grateful to all MEPs who stood up for culture today and recognised the importance of our sectors” – CW! Chair, Laura Houlgatte.

Our sectors stand united in supporting justified and legitimate geo-blocking to secure the viability of the creative and cultural industries while ensuring more, localised, and diverse creative content is financed, published, distributed and showcased to the benefit of European consumers.

Today’s vote is a clear and strong signal to the European Commission that there is no political support to reopen the geo-blocking regulation and expand its scope in the medium to long-term.


Original statement can be found on

Shared with permission from the CW! Secretariat 

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