May 19, 2021
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Florian Koempel, speaker the CEPIC Rights Webinar

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Florian Koempel - Director of lusArtium - is a qualified German lawyer and copyright consultant. He obtained a Law Degree from the University of Regensburg in Bavaria; in 1998, he passed the bar exam in Munich and has worked for the Regional Court and in private practice. He holds an LLM in Intellectual Property from Queen Mary and Westfield and a Competition Law Diploma from Kings College.

He advises a variety of clients in the creative sector including UK Music, the Music Publishers Association, C8 Associates and the British Copyright Council; he also convenes post-graduate courses on international copyright law and music industry contracts at Queen Mary, University of London.

Florian will present the German controversial implementation of article 17. Will other EU countries follow the German example?

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