December 30, 2020
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Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia renews its distribution partnership with agefotostock

FAF Toscana - Alinari Foundation for Photography is the new body founded by the Tuscany Region on July 16, 2020, in Florence, to manage, preserve and enhance the Alinari photographic heritage acquired by the Tuscany Region. Its birth is an essential page in an extraordinary history that began in Tuscany in 1852, when Leopoldo Alinari set up his first photographic laboratory in Florence, giving life to the Fratelli Alinari company.

The Alinari Foundation for Photography is a step forward on a path that, on December 19, 2019, saw the Alinari photographic heritage acquisition. This is an essential cultural investment in recent years that saves the archive, unique in the world for consistency and value, from dispersion and dismemberment and guaranteeing its future usability and accessibility.

The heritage, already available to the Tuscany Region, consists of over five million pieces, many of which are unique, documenting a century and a half of Tuscan and Italian history, between the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. An immense photographic heritage of incredible value for the European culture and internationally recognized, so much as to induce the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendence of Tuscany (SABT) to proceed with the declaration of significant historic interest of the documentary heritage to protect and safeguard the asset in its complexity, wholeness, and unity.

agefotostock is delighted to continue distributing this essential collection, which is a prominent example of the significant depth and value of the Italian Cultural Heritage.

agefotostock is one of the oldest photographic agencies existing today; it was founded in 1973 and is known as the most service-oriented photo library. The business encompasses the richest collection showing the most varied image subjects, together with an in-depth professionally edited content of over 116 million images that grows by thousands of photos daily.  

The Alinari Photographic Heritage enriches the Art and History collection of agefotostock. Counting millions of images from other preeminent images of Cultural Heritage significantly boosts a segment for agefotostock in which the company has been intensively working for years.

agefotostock welcomes the trust the confidence that the FAF Toscana – Fondazione Alinari per la Fotografia has given to us, said Alfonso Gutierrez, CEO of the company.”


(Children of Romualdo Alinari, Adele and Arturo, on stilts, Florence, shot 1875 ca. by Alinari, Fratelli)

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