March 7, 2018
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ImageRights President and CEO Joe Naylor Tapped as Chairperson of DMLA Technology Committee

Boston, MA – ImageRights President and CEO Joe Naylor has been appointed Chairperson of Digital Media Licensing Association (DMLA) Technology Committee. The announcement was made by DMLA President Geoff Cannon.

As the global leader in copyright enforcement services for photo agencies and professional photographers, Naylor will investigate, discuss, and address issues involving technology that have an impact on the business of digital licensing. Naylor will aid in fostering an environment of growth and collaboration utilizing member’s technical resources and expertise as well as manage and lead technical initiatives to evolve DMLA’s digital presence and value for the membership and potential members.

“DMLA is going through a transformational period in which it is expanding its focus from just that of the U.S. photo licensing industry to the broader digital licensing industry overall, including motion, archival footage and media companies worldwide.  With these new initiatives, it is an exciting to time to start my new role as chairperson of the technology committee,” said Naylor. “I look forward to working with the members to shed light on the technology that is influencing our growing industry.”

“ImageRights has always been on the forefront of technology and copyright and we are thrilled to have Joe lead our committee and to lend his expertise to our members,” adds Geoff Cannon, DMLA President.

About ImageRights

ImageRights International provides intelligent image search and copyright enforcement services to photo agencies, professional photographers and media companies worldwide to ensure that their intellectual property rights are protected and that they are compensated for the unauthorized use of their copyrighted works. ImageRights, the only company to have fully automated copyright registration with the US Copyright Office, has made copyright enforcement a truly integrated component of its clients' daily workflow. Through its in-house license compliance team and global network of copyright attorneys, ImageRights has recovered more than $8 million in settlements and awards on behalf of its clients.

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