June 18, 2020
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Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture

Ahead of the meeting of 19 June between EU leaders to discuss the Commission's Recovery Fund, 94 organisations representing the whole spectrum of Europe's cultural and creative sector have issued a joint call for strong and systemic support measures at EU and national level to recover from the crisis.

Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture

Some Statements:

  • The cultural and creative world is one of the first and hardest hit by the crisis. 
  • We have a higher than average percentage of self-employed workers, freelancers, micro-businesses and youth employment, which makes us particularly vulnerable in times of crisis.
  • As the European economy is slowly restarting, it is far from business as usual. Cultural actors are gradually resuming their activities, but all have to implement strict safety rules which means they won’t be operating at full capacity for the foreseeable future and are therefore facing challenging economic decisions. From individual creators and creative workers all the way to big production and media companies, the whole value chain is impacted.

And yet the recovery package announced by the Commission on 27 May
does not reflect the reality of the cultural and creative sector, despite the encouraging messages by the Commission and the strong position taken by the European Parliamen

 Read the full letter here ...

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