September 27, 2018
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IPTC fields now show next to the image in Google Images

On 26 September, Google launched an important change in showing images online : creator and credit of photos as filled in the IPTC fields will now be displayed next to the image in Google Images.

 Link to Google Blog Post announcing the change

Google' new development to show Author and Credit Line on Google Images is a very positive step forward for all visual content creators and their rightsholders. It is without a doubt a determined move showing that visual content is not an anonymous creation but the result of the creativity of an identifiable person.

This change follows a number of meetings with Google and consultations with stakeholders groups within the picture industry in Europe. As a founding member of the IPTC photo metadata group, CEPIC will work with its members toward a proper use of IPTC fields, to make picture professionals aware of best practices for using IPTC metadata to properly attribute their content with right information fom the start.

CEPIC looks forward to working with Google on further improvements in order to promote and protect images online and reduce image piracy.

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