March 9, 2018
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Join the IPTC 2018 Spring Meeting in Athens

Delegates are invited to join the IPTC Spring Meeting 2018 held in Athens, Greece.

The IPTC meets at least 3 times a year. The Standards Committee and the working groups aim to discuss and develop their ideas to support the rapid innovation of the media and the news industry in particular.

A team of IPTC leads has created a full schedule of the Spring Meeting. To access the full schedule please click here (login required).

The Spring Meeting will be held between the Monday, 23 April – Wednesday, 25 April 2018, running each day from 9:00 in the morning to about 18:00 in the afternoon.

The booking of a room and the registration for the meeting is open now, please go to the Spring Meeting page. Booking closes on 28 March.

Room rate and conference package per day: 230 EUR / 280 USD

The Dirvani Caravel Hotel is located at Vassileos Alexandrou 2, 16121 Athens - more about it in the web.


More about the IPTC

Their mission is to simplify the distribution of information. They work to develop and promote efficient technical standards to improve the management and exchange of information between content providers, intermediaries and consumers. Enabling easy, cost-effective and rapid innovation, and product development.

Founded in 1965 and based in London, the IPTC brings together the world's leading news agencies, publishers and industry vendors.


More about CEPIC