Isabelle is a journalist and COO of ElectronLibre, a media specializing in the digital transition founded in 2008. With a legal background, she is passionate about technical subjects with innumerable resonances such as copyright, net neutrality, tax optimization of GAFA, investment in new companies, or the application of competition law to digital platforms. After a PhD in European law at the University of Assas, in 2000, Isabelle moved to London where she joined the competition law department of Watson, Farley & Williams, to work on merger, state aid and abuse of dominant positions cases. From 2010, she worked full-time on the development of ElectronLibre, one of the first French "pure-player" media to switch entirely to the paid model. The site now has many subscribers, including key executives in media, telecommunications, culture, platforms, advertising, as well as representatives of ministries and independent authorities, and legal and investment professionals.
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Isabelle Szczepanski will tell from her experience of the negotiations so far and whether all players along the value chain will benefit from the new revenue stream. Her focus will be on Art.15.
Read our blog The EU Directive: One Year After - Where Are We Now?
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