September 7, 2020
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Mike Holderness, Speaker of the CEPIC Legal Webinar

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There was a day in 1990 when Mike Holderness had read the entire World-Wide Web (all nineteen pages at He was not impressed: the alternative Gopher protocol seemed like a much more rigorous way of organising information. At that time he was designing books and running databases for a book publisher.

Now he is Chair of the European Federation of Journalists Authors’ Rights Expert Group and editor of for his National Union of Journalists branch, which means he is still building databases. In between he earns a living as a freelance science and technology writer and editor, most recently for New Scientist and for BECTU, another UK trade union.

Mike Holderness will tell us about his experience with the negotiations so far and whether all players along the value chain will benefit from the new revenue stream. His focus will be on Art.15.

Read our blog The EU Directive: One Year After – Where Are We Now?

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