November 1, 2022
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New managing director at ANP Photo

ANP Foto is happy to introduce new managing director: Nicole Donker. Nicole will be the new director of Photo at the Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANP) from November 2022 on. She succeeds Edouard van Arem. Edouard will continue to work at ANP Foto in a different role. 

Nicole Donker will become a member of the management team, together with CEO Martijn Bennis, CFO Gert-Jan Strik, editor-in-chief Freek Staps and CTO Mark Westerhoff. In her role, Nicole works closely with Karin Hollaar, she is responsible for the journalistic photo production from the editor-in-chief.

Nicole Donker started at the ANP in 2020. She has held various positions within the ANP, such as Business Development Manager and Manager of the Client Success team. Before that, Nicole was active in various commercial and management positions within various software start-ups and scale-ups.


 Read the original article here: ANP Mailing (


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