Strong support for mobility of artists, creators, creative players
Enhance international distribution of works
Focus on promoting audiovisual works
2 806 000 000 euro: the budget for 2021-2027 period
The 2021-2027 Creative Europe programme budget will be doubled and will support increased mobility for artists, better use of digital technologies and distribution of works.
The Culture and Education (CULT) Committee unanimously adopted on Wednesday the next Creative Europe programme, strongly supporting cross-border exchanges of creative players and artists, including through residency programmes. Books, films, music, festival, cultural heritage and architecture sectors will benefit from different actions funded under this programme.
The text drafted by the rapporteur Silvia Costa (S&D, IT) focuses on promoting audiovisual works, especially taking into account the new digital environment.
MEPs insist on the importance of engaging with a young audience, especially to proactively use audiovisual works through legal channels. Media literacy is also one the programme’s priorities, CULT Members insisting on its contribution to developing critical thinking.
New media professionals should also benefit from the programme.
Rapporteur Silvia Costa (S&D, IT) said:
"I am very satisfied that the CULT Committee unanimously adopted my report on Creative Europe that integrates and enriches the Commission’s proposal.
Creative Europe connects today a large European community of cinema and audio-visual industries, as well as performing arts, museums and art galleries, festivals, cultural heritage, architecture, books and music (which for the first time is targeted by a specific line of action of the programme). This programme is underfinanced and we are asking for the previous budget to be doubled, in line the European Parliament’s position on the EU’s long-term budget MFF 2021-2027.
We believe that European talent - especially the younger generations - should be able to move and to distribute their works, have the chance to work on co-productions, and be further supported in the face of the current lack of funds, due to which many opportunities are lost."