On 30 September CEPIC is participating in workshop organised by the European Commission/ DG Connect on:
‘Opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for the Cultural and Creative Sectors’
During the workshop the first findings of a study on this subject will be presented and discussed. In particular, potential AI use cases in each creative sector (visual art, performing arts, publishing, news media, fashion design, film, music, museum, video games, architecture) will be discussed. It is envisaged to complete the study in Dec 2021.
The workshop will be an occasion to share views on what is most needed to benefit from AI, and to help envisage joint actions, for instance in the field of data pooling, data governance, AI skills development, collaboration with tech companies and access to finance.
This event is a closed workshop and upon invitation only.
In these issues CEPIC will be cooperating with EANA in order to use synergies and cover the breadth of our sectors.
CEPIC will cover the areas of "visual arts" and "data pooling and data governance", while EANA will focus on "News and Media" and "Collaboration between technology firms and the cultural and creative sectors".
CEPIC will be representing the point of view and interests of private providers of creative visual media.