June 25, 2021
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Pioneers of digitization in the artistic, historical and literary fields: history of the Prisma photographic archive.

The Prisma archive was born almost thirty years ago as a source of images for any type of publication concerning art, history and literature. Taking off the business was not easy and there have been moments of crisis. Despite this, Prisma image library remains a firm point of reference for Spanish and international publishers.

How were the difficulties surmount? For a few months the Prisma archive has been using MomaPIX digital asset management to manage, distribute and promote the photos. By accessing their site it seems like entering a museum, the quality of the images and the attention to details immediately transpire. But it is not "only" this that has made Prisma a lasting historical archive. Being able to build excellent human relationships has made the difference.


Read full article and interview of Ferderico Tarrés here:
Prisma photo archive: art, history and literature. | MomaPIX News

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