SmartFrame have just released the news that they have sold their platform Pixelrights, a website to help photographers build online portfolios.
They made the announcement saying “This move allows us to focus our full resource on our unique SmartFrame technology and the delivering of our mission to Redefine the Digital Image Standard.”
In conjunction, they have changed the name of their business to SmartFrame Technologies Limited, and have also moved their UK Head Office to London.
At the same time they have recently set up a new office in Berlin, and continue to expand their development team in Krakow, Poland.
SmartFramce also wanted to note that they will no longer be receiving emails at our previous addresses, so you can contact them at or for staff contacts use their:
They finished with "More announcements to be made very soon, including a number of major launches of our technology to some major global platforms."
New Address: 41 Corsham Street, London, N1 6DR
New Head Office contact phone number is: 0044 (0) 20 8123 0351