December 3, 2020
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Extended Collective Licensing: Who Benefits?

Building on the success of the CEPIC Legal Webinar, September 2020, on the implementation of the EU Copyright Directive, this LICENSING WEBINAR will focus on the potential use of Extended Collective Licensing (ECL) for the re-use and distribution of digital content by online platforms.

  • What is Extended Collective Licensing?
  • How can it be implemented?
  • Does it make the identification of rightsholders redundant?
  • Who benefits? 

FORMAT: Zoom features

DATE: 16th December, 17 H – 18 H CET

ADMISSION: 16.45 H – Overtime possible until 18.15 H CET



General presentation on Extended Collective Licensing

Speaker: Mats Lindberg, member of the board of EVA and CISAC, formerly CEO of Bildupphovsrätt i Sverige and member of the board of IFRRO.

The webinar will start with a general presentation of the mechanism of extended collective licensing and address questions such as the identification of the rightsholders, the level and benefiters of payments.

National experiences with ECL

  • Sweden –The Swedish experience - Nordic countries have more than 40 years of experience with ECL. Speakers will provide a return of experience on the benefits and pitfalls of ECL for photographers and for picture agencies.
    Speaker: Paul Vestergren, chair of BLF
  • Germany – German plans - Bildkunst and BVPA, German Association have struck a deal on ECL within the transposition of Article 17 of the EU copyright directive, as a way to counter opposition on upload filters.
    Speaker: Dr.Urban Pappi, CEO, Bildkunst  


Florian Koempel - International Copyright Consultant, British Copyright Council - will lead an animated debate fed by the contributions and experience of participants from the floor. Questions to the speakers may be sent ahead of the webinar.

A qualified German lawyer, Florian advises a variety of clients in the creative sector including UK Music, the Music Publishers Association and the British Copyright Council; he also convenes post-graduate courses on international copyright law and music industry contracts at Queen Mary, University of London.


Sylvie Fodor, CEPIC Executive Director.


CEPIC member fee: 29, - €
Non CEPIC members:
49, - €
Photographers: 9, - €



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