Dr. Urban Pappi (born 1969) is the CEO of the collecting society Bild-Kunst. He manages the office in Bonn with about 50 employees.
After studying law in Munich and absolving his legal clerkship in the administrative district of Upper Bavaria, from 1997 to 1999, he was working as a research assistant at the Institute for Copyright and Media Law in Munich. He wrote his PhD thesis on a broadcasting law topic under Prof. Dr. M.D. Manfred Rehbinder in Freiburg.
Afterward, he worked for 11 years at the GEMA in Munich. Most recently, he was responsible for all broadcasting and Internet licensing activities and was the head of a dependent licensing unit for an online publishing repertoire. At the beginning of 2012 he started his current position at VG Bild-Kunst following Prof. Gerhard Pfennig.