March 22, 2019
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Web tool in support of the EU Copyright Directive

The Copyright Directive, especially Article 13, paves the way for creators like you to receive a share of the financial benefit generated when your content is re‑used by others without your permission, for example by large online social sharing platforms.

We are asking you again to lend your voice by following these quick, simple steps no later than this Monday, 25th March:

  1. Find your local MEP by using our simple web-based tool
  2. When you click to email your chosen MEP(s), the subject line and main text will automatically be filled out, but the message will be more powerful if you add a brief paragraph at the start introducing yourself, e.g. where you live and the type of photography or videography that you create.
  3. Repeat this for as many other national MEPs as you wish.

This webtool was devised by getty images and used in August 2018.

The Copyright Directive has been agreed by the European institutions and will be put to a final vote next week!

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