April 24, 2024
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Webinar: How do you protect your AI assets?

Is AI Copyrightable? Part III -
We have invited 2 legal experts to discuss how AI Output can be protected if not by copyright.

CEPIC has been exploring the copyrightability of AI output in two recent webinars. While China and India have already recognized this status, the US Copyright Office has not. Recent decisions in Europe also suggest that proving human input is difficult since the same prompt can produce different outputs.

With this in mind, CEPIC is bringing together two legal experts, J.Scott Evans, Senior Director, IP & Advertising Law at ADOBE and Vered Horesh, Chief Strategic AI Partnerships at BRIA, to discuss how AI output can be protected if not by copyright. Join the debate to discover possible solutions to this complex issue.

The questions to our experts are:

  • What are some potential challenges or limitations in protecting AI output, and how can these be addressed or mitigated?
  • Are there existing legal frameworks that can provide some level of protection for AI output, even if it is not copyrightable? If so, what are they and how can they apply?
  • What role can technological solutions, such as digital watermarking or encryption methods play in protecting the integrity and ownership of AI-generated content?

This webinar is FREE for CEPIC members (either associate members of CEPIC or members of the following associations: AEAPAF, FNAPPI, SAPHIR, BAPLA, BLF, SAB).

Non CEPIC members will be charged 89, - € (inclusive of VAT).

Register now to be part of this exclusive event!

Is AI Copyrightable? Part III Tickets, Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite

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