June 24, 2024
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Welcoming Pond5 as the Newest CEPIC Member

We are excited to announce that Pond5 has joined CEPIC and we would like to welcome them as our newest member. Pond5 is renowned for its dedication to empowering world-class storytellers by providing an accessible marketplace of media assets. With over 35 million video clips, award-winning tools including the patented Visual Search for video, and seamless integrations with all major video-editing software, Pond5 is the go-to video marketplace for filmmakers, media organisations, and marketers worldwide.

Pond5 offers a platform where creativity thrives and contributors can sustain their livelihoods through licensing their work. As a venture-backed company funded by Accel Partners and Stripes Group, Pond5 operates out of offices in New York City, Dublin, Prague, and London.

When asked why they chose to join, Pond5 expressed their admiration for CEPIC's role in defending the rights of picture libraries, agencies, and photographers who specialise in the direct licensing of visual content. They believe that CEPIC's mission aligns perfectly with their own values and goals, highlighting their shared commitment to the creative community and the protection of intellectual property rights.

We are thrilled to welcome Pond5 to CEPIC and look forward to the innovative perspectives and contributions they will bring to our community. Their support strengthens our collective mission to advocate for the rights and interests of visual content creators and distributors globally.

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