May 2, 2023
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What is a representation agency for microstockers for?

Every day more and more artists join microstock as their main source of income, making their passion for content creation their profession.

The popularity of this sector has not stopped growing since its beginnings, exceeding 3 billion dollars in the last few years. As a result, more and more graphic designers, photographers and illustrators are joining this business.

In spite of how widespread this business is, the beginnings in the industry can be really complex. The lack of knowledge of the work processes in each stock site or the lack of experience in uploading resources can hinder the work of some authors and, therefore, diminish the final profits from the sale of their resources.

In parallel, image banks invest a lot of time in the search for resources that adapt to market trends and that are of interest to their final audience.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to these arrangements and they are the representation agencies for microstockers. These agencies simplify the creation process and increase the profitability of your graphic resources. Vecpho is the world's leading representation agency for microstockers.

Currently, more than 60 million assets are represented by Vecpho, and it has been able to close deals with sites all over the world. Authors of photography, videos, illustrations, 3d resources, among others, have joined Vecpho to increase their earnings as microstockers.

Here is all the information about how a microstockers representation agency works and how they help image banks and artists.

What is Vecpho's role in the Microstock market?

The main value proposition of representation agencies in the Stock Media industry is to promote and protect artists' portfolios. But, at the same time, they offer a quality service to the image banks by providing them with content completely adapted to their needs.

Thus, in some cases, representation agencies can act as an external account for stock sites, recruiting authors and searching through their portfolios to get as many resources as possible that meet the requirements and needs of the image banks.

For a microstock representation agency to be truly competent, its team must be up-to-date and have an in-depth knowledge of industry trends in order to be able to advise authors and, at the same time, anticipate the needs of the image banks.

We cannot forget that the final clients of this type of resources are mainly advertising agencies, as well as marketing departments of small and medium-sized companies that need this type of content for their advertising campaigns.

How does Vecpho help stock sites?

These are some of the points in which a representation agency for microstockers increases the profitability of image banks:

1. Recruitment of new authors Vecpho has a very broad portfolio of authors and represents more than 60 million varied resources. Therefore, when it comes to selecting authors, they can streamline the process of attracting resources, working as an external account of the stock sites themselves.

2. Offer resources that fit the needs of the site As with author acquisition, representation agencies can go straight to the point in the search and selection of resources that respond to market trends and the needs of end clients. This saves time and optimizes the resources of image banks and their teams.

3. Exclusive resource management In order to offer a top quality service and to have exclusive resources in the image banks, microstock agencies have the facility to close this type of agreements with authors interested in selling their resources under these conditions.

4. Incident management, contracts and author support Microstockers representatives act as intermediaries between authors and image banks, facilitating incident management and streamlining the contract process.

Getting the most out of your authors' portfolios

Every author is knowledgeable in creating content that works in his or her portfolio. However, sometimes the management of this can become complicated and its economic profitability can be negatively affected.

For this reason, more and more microstockers choose to be professionally represented by industry specialists who have a greater capacity and negotiating power with the stock sites and, thus, get better agreements and solutions to any possible incident.

Likewise, image banks increasingly prefer to collaborate with representation agencies such
as Vecpho to optimize their resources and obtain maximum profitability from agreements
with microstockers.

How can a microstocker improve his deals with stock sites?

Among the main tasks of a microstocker in his daily work are to create, distribute and  monetize his resources in different image banks and digital platforms.

Therefore, it is the microstocker himself who is in charge not only of creating his portfolio of content, but also of negotiating and signing agreements with each image bank. This last process can become a tedious step and, if not well managed, can hinder the artist's professional career.

In other words, poor management of the negotiation agreements with the sites can negatively affect the earnings of microstockers.

Fortunately, for several years now, there have been representation agenc

ies specialized in microstockers to negotiate and obtain the most attractive agreements for their authors.
In this way, microstocker representation agencies increase the profitability of content creators' portfolios.
In summary, the representation of both would be as follows:
● Microstocker: content creator.
● Representation agency: party in charge of securing commercial agreements and
distributing the microstocker's content.

The main problems faced by a content creator or microstocker

As we already advanced at the beginning of this article, the beginnings in this sector are notalways easy. These are some of the main drawbacks that authors encounter when they start their professional career in Stock Media:
● Payment problems.
● Invoicing.
● Negotiation with sites.
● Procedures for uploading resources to each site.
● Metadata configuration.
● Dependence on a site in exclusivity.
● Problems for the renewal or improvement of contracts.
● Etc.

All this translates in the end into an investment of time on the part of the author who, at the same time, is less available to create and increase his portfolio.

For all these reasons, microstock representation agencies like Vecpho work every day to facilitate, streamline the work processes of microstock agencies and, ultimately, improve their performance, while adding value to the portfolios of the microstockers they represent.

Vecpho representation

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