Pitch Presentation SIBSA-INDIA / StockImageBank


Pitch Point Presentation by SugandhaDubey StockImageBank at the CEPIC Congress 2015:
Friday, 5th June from 15:50-16:05 in the Breakout Area (Kitchen Gallery – Ground Floor)

More information on the Pitch Point Presentations during the CEPIC Congress 2015 can be found here.


We are a compact yet lethal imaging solution company from the Republic of India that caters the global imaging needs, profoundly. We established ourselves as a leading, comprehensive, well-networked company in this market space, in a young time span of just six years.

When it comes to our service catalogue, we are proud to showcase the various profiles that combine and become SIBSA Digital Pvt. Ltd.

StockImageBank – India is a dynamic country with an overwhelming population. With new entrepreneurial ventures and varied brand launches, the country is in a constant need of relevant images for business growth. With over 14,000 growing brands in India, almost all businesses are looking for the shortest, fastest and the most relevant way to increase their communication impact, visually. Since India is  very diverse, when it comes to lifestyle, religion, culture, architecture etc. each brand needs specifically tailored images for visual communication. Though its tough to achieve that in a densely populated, multi cultured country, we decided to go ahead and do that. Just produce, curate and cater to this growing demand.

Image Key-wording – The more number of images that get curated to sell, the more we need them to be appropriately key-worded for sale. This is simple mathematics. Catering largely, to the global needs of key-wording images, we understand that methodical metadata is the most crucial aspect of any image search. We have developed the best of logic and technology along with efficiently trained manpower to deliver excellent results in this area of business.

We understand the crucial aspect of accuracy, speed and timely delivery and we are proud to talk about our positive turn around time for our global clients. A genre where we play in millions, except that they are images.

Image Retouch & Postproduction – Each image comes with its own demand, before it reaches its final digital shelf. We understand the importance of appropriate retouching followed by unerring postproduction that directly contributes in the up sale of these images. We engage highly trained professionals who understand the sanctity of the work entrusted to them. We believe this is one area where the manpower needs to know, how much of what is needed to produce a perfect image. And to know where to stop is equally critical. Be it commercial assignments such as lifestyle, jewelry, beauty & fashion or personal wedding or portfolio or up market editorial assignments. We know how to bring perfection to the table. 

Calotypes - As the name suggests, we scan, restore and preserve memories. This is a unique specialized area of work that caters to the preservation of the aged photographs, either in form of transparencies, photo prints or negatives. The past needs to be preserved for the future, therefore historical restoration adds value to our service platter. Through this vertical we take digital restoration to a completely new level.

Big Shots –There are prestigious assignments and they need to be executed in a refined manner. Be it known personalities, hi-end luxury brands or extensive reputed global campaigns. This vertical caters to just that. These assignments need to be meticulously planned & delivered effectively. We have ensured that the photographers curated by us in this vertical, are celebrities in their own rights and exclusively with us under one banner. 

This is not it. To make all the above work efficiently and accurately, there are other undeniable needs of running the show. To keep ourselves on our toes, we make sure each vertical has what it needs to function flawlessly.

What differentiates us is :

-       Professionally trained resources

-       Advanced and suitable infrastructure

-       High-end technology to serve our verticals

-       24/7/365 availability

-       Combative pricing

-       100% safe and secure

-       Quick turn around time