Technology Seminar on Image Identification and Identifiers: Industry Standard Identifiers

from left to right: Andrew Farrow, Raymond Drewry, Paul Jessop, Godfrey Rust, Gene Mopsik, Uri Lavi and Alfonso Gutierrez
from left to right: Andrew Farrow, Raymond Drewry, Paul Jessop, Godfrey Rust, Gene Mopsik, Uri Lavi and Alfonso Gutierrez

The image sector is alone in not having a universal standard identifier. In a world of increasingly complex supply chains and industry standard identifier can deliver reduced costs, improve revenue, and improve the efficiency of revenue distribution.

This seminar will look at how the adoption of a standard identifier led to unexpected benefits for the movie sector and examine the practical implications of how an identifier might be designed and implemented.

There will also be a demonstration of the Rights Data Integration (RDI) project showing how rights information between different media sectors can be communicated. RDI is trialing some of the functionality that will be available through the Copyright Hub which is reliant on the use of identifiers.

Date: 06 June 2015 from 10:30 to 12:00
Place: Belweder Room of the Sofitel Warsaw Victoria Hotel



1. Introduction
Moderator: Andrew Farrow

2. Presentation: Why Identifiers Are a Good Thing: Lessons from Film and Television
Speaker: Raymond Drewry
As the film and television industry moves into an almost completely digital world, automation becomes essential, and automation requires reliable identifiers. Industry adoption of the EIDR ID has brought benefits in multiple places in the distribution chain, and has had some unexpected other uses as well.

3. Presentation: Lessons from the Music Industry
Speaker: Paul Jessop
The music industry has seen turbulence as digital distribution and digital piracy have disrupted traditional models. Fortunately farsighted individuals had provided the industry with identifiers and e-commerce infrastructure. How well have these been exploited? This presentation will examine the question and identify lessons for the photo sector.

4. Presentation: A Proposal For a Standard Photographic Work Identifier
Speaker: Godfrey Rust
The presentation will cover the scope, structure and administration of a universal standard photographic identifier.

5. Demonstration: The Rights Data Integration (RDI) Project
Presenter tba
RDI is an exemplary implementation of a framework developed by the Linked Content Coalition (LCC) to demonstrate how participants in the content supply chain can manage and trade rights for any type of usage across any type of content in any media under any (or no) commercial model, and to support the provision of information to Users, some of which lead to the securing of licenses, some of which may be automated. CEPIC is a participant in RDI. This presentation will focus on demonstrating the queries that can be exchanged between participants from different media sectors as a result of RDI – who is the licensor, what terms of use are available, can I have a license, does my license cover this use, and what works are available under this license?

5. Panel Discussion:
Raymond Drewry, Paul Jessop and Godfrey Rust will be joined by Uri LaviGene Mopsik and Alfonso Gutierrez.


More info on the speakers can be found here.