Copytrack Participation in DMLA 2017

Copytrack will once again be represented at the DMLA Conference from 22 to 24 October this year and will be participating in the panel “Post-Usage Licensing / Found Money”.

Music – The Universal Language

Werner Forman travelled the world for eight decades photographing many different cultures. He often captured images relating to music and musical instruments, and the Werner Forman Archive

dpa Picture-Alliance distributes Reuters Pictures in Germany

(Frankfurt/ Main) dpa Picture-Alliance, the picture agency of Germany’s largest news agency dpa, today announced that it is partnering with Reuters, the largest international multimedia news provider, to distribute Reuters Pictures photography on its platform.

Scythians – Horsemen of the Siberian Steppes from the Werner Forman Archive

The Scythians were an ancient nomadic tribe who ruled an area from the Caucuses to Western China. They did this with horse warfare – the first to do so. The British Museum is opening an exhibition about them on 14th September. Werner Forman Archive has a treasury of material about these mysterious people.