Coalition in support of claim against Google Images grows

In December, the coalition has grown again with the financial support of following national associations:
• Fédération Nationale des Agences de Presse Photo & Information – France (FNAPPI)
• Syndicat des Agences de Presse Photographiques d’Information et de Reportage – France (SAPHIR)
• Sdružení pro internetovou reklamu v ČR, z.s.p.o – Czech Republic (SBIR)

Together the associations forming the coalition cover the vast majority of global image providers, photo agencies and photo archives and are representative of the global picture industry.

Formal complainant is CEPIC, an European Economic Interest Group registered in France, 46 rue de la Mare 75020 Paris with its head office in Berlin.

CEPIC is supported financially in this complaint by (now) six US-American associations of the picture industry.
Namely CEPIC is authorised to represent the:
• American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP),
• the Digital Media Licensing Association (PACA),
• the Professional Photographers of America (PPA),
• the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA)
• the Graphic Artists Guild (GAG) and the
• American Photographic Artists (APA)

While representing all its European members, CEPIC received particular support from the following national associations:
• Asociacion Empresarial de Agencias de Prensa y Archivos Fotograficos – Spain (AEAPAF)
• British Association of Picture Agencies and Libraries – United Kingdom (BAPLA)
• Bildleverantörernas Förening, Huddinge – Sweden/Denmark/Norway (BLF)
• Bundesverband der Pressebild-Agenturen and Bildarchive – Germany (BVPA)
NLimage – Netherlands
• Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bild-Agenturen und-Archive – Switzerland (SAB)
• SvenskBildbyraförening – Sweden (SBF)
• Syndicat National des Agences Photographiques d’Illustration Générales — France (SNAPIG)